In the idea that the self is an illusion generated by the brain there are two major cognitive errors:
1) Empirical subject/self is not the self proper but the self’s phenomenal self-representation; it is not an “illusion” but a stream of phenomena and meanings constituted by transcendental subject/self. The fact that the synthesis of empirical subject can be disrupted in certain “altered” states or even completely ceased in a “mystical union” with the ontological basis of all existence does not demonstrate that the self is nonexistent, as many erroneusly believe, it demonstrates that constitutive transcendental subject/self is a process.
2) The problem of neuroscience is that the only empirical reality, including the empirical brain, that is ever given to us directly is phenomenal consciousness; hence, the empirical brain is nothing but an intersubjective phenomenon; hence, to reduce phenomenal consciousness to an intersubjective phenomenon of consciousness is to reduce phenomena to phenomena, it is an absurd recursion, whereas to reduce phenomena to the imaginary (for it is never given empirically as such) “physical brain” is to reduce phenomena to a metaphysical myth of the pseudoscientific metaphysical mythology of materialism (physicalism). Therefore, when a neuroscientist reduces phenomenal consciousness to the empirical brain, he is doing an absurd recursion, whereas when he reduces phenomenal consciousness to the imaginary “physical brain,” he is doing metaphysical mythology, not science. Neuroscience nowadays is so radically poisoned by the reductionist metaphysical mythology of materialism (physicalism) that it should be considered pseudoscience. In reality, all phenomena are derived by transcendental (inter)subjectivity from the transcendent “superposition” of consciousness-in-itself (the nondual Light of mystical/transpersonal experiences), whereas neuroscience is a branch of transcendental phenomenology (the Copernican Turn in philosophy, first in Buddhist Yogācāra, then in Kant and mature Husserl) which is ultimately ontological idealism—consciousness-only ontology.
Wake up.